Nncaribbean rum a social and economic history pdf

Published in 2002 jointly by caribbean labour solidarity and. Percentile ranks are calculated using the latest available data for all countries within the last 5 years. The book also examines the social and sacred uses of rum and identifies the forces that shaped alcohol use in the caribbean. Rums history and that of the caribbean share deep roots that go back 400 years. Despite this policy convergence and shared colonial origins, economic performance and social indicators in guyana and barbados have continued to diverge. Carringtons book is organized by explaining the causal and sequential events that created west indian decline. Download pdf caribbean rum a social and economic history. Mar 04, 2007 despite this policy convergence and shared colonial origins, economic performance and social indicators in guyana and barbados have continued to diverge.

The organisation for economic cooperation and development oecd produced. Indiana up, 2003, the caribbean governments welcome tourists with warm hearts because they realized that the caribbean economy is completely dependant on tourism, also being referred to as the engine of their growth. There was a tradition of slave trade and colonialism created by the early europeans in the caribbean and the influences of it are transparent even today to travelers of the region. The history of home economics in the caribbean is a case in point. Africans were forcibly brought to british owned colonies in the caribbean and sold as slaves to work on plantations and many meet their end in the journey. Cuba, however, cuba was seen as the main competitor against the british west indies as they were able to produce sugar. The impact of cuban sugar on the british market the. The collapse of the soviet union in the late 1980s was an even greater reminder that these small democracies would face economic problems for the rest of the century. That is, the more vulnerable a country to external factors the worse that country is likely to perform. Rum s history and that of the caribbean share deep roots that go back 400 years.

However, by the late 1990s, the performance of jamaicas social indicators fell behind those of its neighbors. A trade triangle where textiles, rum snd goods were brought to africa from europe, slaves were collected there and brought to the caribbean, and sugar, tobacco and cotton were brought back to europe. Previous efforts at gathering information have met with many seemingly sincere promises, but little success. The eu is a traditional destination for caribbean rum, with the large. In addition, smith explores the contribution that rum has made on the economy of caribbean nations, and he convincingly argues that rum s social meaning and economic value arose from its ability to provide a temporary respite from the challenges of every day life in the region p. To no surprise, rum has become a mainstay of the caribbean economy. The paper explores some of the origins of this divergence, and, in particular, the deep seated factors that derive from the countries history, geography, and demographics. Today, there are three separate learned societies in this field. Sep 03, 2007 what smith wants the book to be is an exploration of the economic trends in europe and north america that shaped the development of caribbean rum industries. However, within recent times the rum industry has faced difficulty and turmoil, threatening the economic viability of many caribbean countries. Servicebased economies, including the bahamas, barbados, and the eccu countries are heavily dependent on tourism and, in some cases, international business services.

Aug 20, 20 influence of slavery economic then the plantation system slave labour this was the economic life agricultural system. History the ilo decent work team and office for the caribbean was established in port of spain, trinidad and tobago, on 20 october 1969. Smith goes beyond mccusker by tracking rums history into the twentyfirst century and by exploring the cultural dimensions of rum consumption in the caribbean. The most significant contribution to the history of caribbean rum since john mccuskers rum and the american revolution. From its invention in the 17th century in barbados or some claim brazil, rum has had an international trade influence that no other spirit can rival. While the demand for labor function in the nontradable sectors appears welldefined in terms of real wages and real aggregate output, the inclusion of a variable to capture the effects of capitaldeepening appears important to the specification of labor demand in the tradable sectors. Short history of rum the history of rum is the history of the caribbean and north america. The spirit of the caribbean a brief history rum, spirits made from sugar cane, sugar cane syrup or molasses, is more tightly woven into the fabric of america than any other spirit.

However, these terms dont really characterize all the. What smith wants the book to be is an exploration of the economic trends in europe and north america that shaped the development of caribbean rum industries. All of these can be summed up in the concept of appropriate economic governance. Whether as wine, beer, or spirits, alcohol has had a constant and often controversial role in social life. The spirited history of caribbean rum rum has a very long and spirited history. Social stratification in the caribbean n discussing social stratification, a key concept is that of social status. Rum is a distilled spirit made from sugar cane sugar cane juice, sugar cane molasses, or any other part of the sugar cane plant, he explained. In order to understand its historical development, it is necessary to examine the significant factors, which has influenced its. History debbion hyman contributor debbion hyman is an independent contributor. Rum presents the fascinating cultural, economic, and ethnographic history of rum in the caribbean from the colonial period to the present. It adds significantly to mccuskers work by analyzing the caribbean environment in greater depth and by bringing the story forward by two centuries. Socio economic history society, the largest and most broadly based, has 1,400 members, plus. The importance of the barbados rum industry business. Table 1 and table 2 illustrate levels of human development throughout the region.

While their export bases are fairly limited, many islands are beginning to diversify their industries. Ian williams book triumphantly restores rums rightful place in history, taking us across space and time, from its origins in the plantations of barbados through. Apr 14, 2016 rather than following the true and tried formula of including a bit of history, overview of some rum companies and their products and offering a plethora of rum cocktail recipes, this book focuses exclusively on the social and economic impact of rum, from the slave plantations to modern society. A brief overview of the numerous struggles which occurred in the british caribbean during the 1930s, which led to the introduction of many trade union rights across the region, written by jamaican trade unionist richard hart. In the second half of the 18th century more than 40 colonial new england distilleries were busy making rum from caribbean molasses. History of social work in the caribbean caribbean history. For example, jamaicas exports rank is higher than please wait. Smith discusses the political and economic trends that determined the value of rum, especially war, competition from other alcohol industries, slavery and emancipation, temperance movements, and globalization. Caribbean countries public sector modernization in the caribbean april 1996 caritbean division. Mar 22, 2010 the rum industry, which is a significant nonservices sector earner of foreign exchange, is intimately linked to the tourism industry and plays an important role in the sugar and manufacturing industries. Colonial origins, institutions and economic performance in. While there are several precursors to rum that span the globe, it is generally accepted that rum was first distilled in the caribbean in the early to mid17th century.

Theorizing caribbean development linkedin slideshare. Fact sheet on economic and social indicators congressional research service 1 his fact sheet tracks selected economic and social development indicators for latin american and caribbean countries. The purpose of this graph is to take a snapshot of a countrys economy in comparison to other economies. Sugar, bananas, eggplant and flowers are exported from many islands and other crops are still grown exclusively for domestic use. Global entrepreneurship monitor caribbean social entrepreneurship, in the caribbean region. Impact of migration on economic and social development. Drawing on data from historical archaeology and the economic history of the caribbean, frederick smith explains why this industry arose in the islands.

Drawing on data from historical archaeology and the economic history of the caribbean, frederick smith explains why this industry arose in the islands, how attitudes toward alcohol consumption have impacted the people of the region, and how rum production evolved over 400 years from a small colonial activity to a multibilliondollar industry. He opens by documenting the economic interdependence that linked the british caribbean with the north american colonies as sugar, rum, and coffee left the west indies in exchange for imported foodstuffs that fed the plantations. Jamaica gleaner 20170411 youth link debbion hyman contributor. The centre for international governance innovation the. Basically, a social status is a set of duties and prerogatives. Caribbean countries public sector modernization in the. Labour rebellions of the 1930s in the british caribbean. Social work and social welfare has been with us from as far back as the 1600s and it has always been, and has continued to be a response to human needs. Economic now sugar still dominate guyana, barbados, jamaica, puerto rico, cuba,santo domingo and. The individual economies of the caribbean islands are generally open to free trade. Indeed, caribbean rum will surely remind readers of mintzs sweetness and power 1985 for its focus on a commodity and skillful blending of economic analysis and ethnography. Rather than following the trueandtried formula of including a bit of history, overview of some rum companies and their products and offering a plethora of rum cocktail recipes, this book focuses exclusively on the social and economic impact of rum, from the slave plantations to. The land of the caribbean is a rich, diverse and cultural place.

A priori one would expect that economic performance would be correlated with vulnerability. Frederick h smith caribbean rum presents the fascinating cultural, economic, and. In the face of economic problems resulting from the increase in oil prices, caribbean countries accepted loans from the international monetary fund imf. Caribbean countries public sector modernization in the caribbean. An ideology is a frame or lens through which certain problems or issues in social life are viewed and interpreted. Issues in caribbean economic development address by mr ewart s williams, governor of the central bank of trinidad and tobago, at the sir arthur lewis institute of social and economic studies salises conference, portofspain. The sum total of a persons statuses at a given time constitutes his station in life. On the one hand, the sector has become vulnerable to preference erosion in one of its primary markets the eu. The imperative is to provide for the social, economic and political sustainability of the peoples of the caribbean. This study examines the demand for labor in five major sectors of the caribbean economy of barbados. Vulnerability is defined as the degree of exposure to external economic forces and environmental hazards commonwealth secretariatworld bank, 1999. This brought employment in many areas such as shipbuilding, insurance, porters, and warehouse landlords among others. In the early 1980s, jamaica led caribbean and many other lowmiddleincome countries in terms of primary education and access to health facilities.

As europeans began colonizing the caribbean in the 17th century after mostly giving up their dreams of finding gold in the islands the first sugarcane plantations began to spring up. By social status we mean a position within a system of expected patterns of action. It was an integral part of trade across the atlantic ocean from the 17th century to the 19th century, and eventually played a key cultural role in. May 20, 2012 rum is a distilled spirit made from sugar cane sugar cane juice, sugar cane molasses, or any other part of the sugar cane plant, he explained. The sugar industry was a large economic source and the slaves ensured plantations were running. This chapter traces the history of business and entrepreneurship in the englishspeaking caribbean esc, with special attention given. Issues in caribbean economic development address at the sir arthur lewis institute of social and economic studies salises conference by ewart s. In his innovative book on the attitudes toward and consumption of alcohol, rod phillips surveys a 9,000year cultural and economic history, uncovering the tensions between alcoholic drinks as healthy staples of daily diets and as objects of social, political, and religious anxiety. As understood can common, every book will certainly have particular points that will make someone. The history of social work in the caribbean essay sample. The rum industry is critically important to the social and economic well. Partly as a result of past government efforts, the growth of the middle class and the. The most significant contribution to the history of caribbean rum sin. Located at 19 keate street, port of spain, the office was officially known as the international labour office for the caribbean area and had a staff of six persons.

Take the quiz below on caribbean economy and slavery and learn some more about it. When hearing the word economy, many of us probably think of things like the stock market, wall street, or the dow jones. The rum industry, which is a significant nonservices sector earner of foreign exchange, is intimately linked to the tourism industry and plays an important role in the sugar and manufacturing industries. History economic changes of sugar revolution flashcards. The cultures of african descendants, creoles and other ethnic, minorities within the caribbean community. Pdf download caribbean rum a social and economic history. Economic development in the caribbean has benefited merchants, farmers, fishermen and many more. Nov 27, 2018 africans were forcibly brought to british owned colonies in the caribbean and sold as slaves to work on plantations and many meet their end in the journey. The issue of competition by the new sugar producers in the caribbean emerged mainly from brazil, cuba, louisiana and european colonies of asia. Williams, governor, central bank of trinidad and tobago march 27, 2007 good morning ladies and gentlemen, the title of my presentation as shown in the programme is somewhat misleading. View enhanced pdf access article on wiley online library html view download pdf for offline viewing. The history of the former british colonies in the caribbean presents opportunities for complementing the existing literature with potentially insightful case studies. The centre for international governance innovation the caribbean papers a project on caribbean economic governance social partnerships and development.

According to authentic caribbean rum, rum is a liqueur with a minimum base alcohol volume about 35 percent and is made from cane sugar. The core strategy of the project utilized a local economic development led approach to enhance the capacity of communities to identify their employment and labour market challenges and opportunities and plan and implement the response needed, whether in employment creation or training needs or other capacity development approaches. Plantation was a business plantations monopolize the flat fertile coast, where roads settlements and ports were established. Reviewed by christian koot published on hatlantic august, 2006 identi. Expenditure on social improvement and the degree of interest of the mother country were both much influenced by the career of sugarcane in the british and world market, since its production was by far the most significant element in the economic situation of the territories. Competitiveness and economic governance in the caribbean. The history of social work in the caribbean essay example. From precolonial origins to the present article pdf available in international journal of humanities and social science july 2014 with 2,550 reads. Outline three factors that aided the development of the peasantry. Even now, requests for information from the various territories have not.

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